Accountability Series: A Digital Diary in the D

Accountabites Intro

Denise Jackson
3 min readApr 4, 2024
This the pretty shot I’m hoping to see but our flight is scheduled during a storm. Photo by Sacha Verheij on Unsplash

I’ve never flew.

I remember back in the day when people could walk their loved ones all the way to the “long connector hallway” to their plane.

That’s what I called it when I was a young child. A time when world peace was a more than a pageant winning speech.

A time when my innocence rang supreme.

A time when my Aunt said she was going to get me on a plane one day.

Well you did it Auntie

And this damn sure isn’t the way I wanted it to have to be.

Not one bit

Maybe after this trip, I’ll get back to my irregularly scheduled program,

or maybe I won’t.

Maybe this uncomfortableness is what I need to light the fire,

or maybe it don’t.

Who knows what going to occur.

Planning and doing all the things right but still misunderstood like Mr. Shakur.



Denise Jackson

The Equal Opportunity Mother-Lover shining light and sprinkling a hint of comedy on Money & Mommyin’. Believer | Intentional | Resourceful | Nurse | Future CFP